
J. Indro Surono, IFOAM Asia Vice President (Indonesia)

Indonesia Organic Alliance

Indro has been involved in organic movement for more than 20 years. He founded an NGO which works with farmers and women in the rural areas to develop organic farming and local marketing in Bogor, Indonesia. He was also active in various networks of organic agriculture and was one of the founders of Indonesia Organic Alliance (IOA). The IOA supports farmers in production improvement and market access, consumers education and policy advocacy. Through IOA, Indro was able to widen his network with international organic organizations such as Organic Asia, BIOFACH and IFOAM Asia.

Currently Indro is acting as a governing board member of IOA and works as a freelance organic inspector for ECOCERT. He is also the chairman of Bina Sarana Bhakti Foundation – a pioneer and education center of organic agriculture in Indonesia.