Asian Local Government for Organic Adriculture

The ALGOA project was first initiated by IFOAM Asia in 2013 under the concept of linking bio-villages / eco-villages in India, Korea and the Philippines Goesan County became interested in the project and signed MoUs with Dumingag, Philippines in September 2014 and two bio-villages in Kerala and Nagaland in India in November 2014.

ALGOA was officially inaugurated on September 19th, 2015, in Goesan County, Chungbuk Province, South Korea. There were 16 countries in Asia represented at the historic occasion including the Minister of Agriculture of Bhutan, His Excellency Lynpo Yeshey Dorji, who was invited as the chief VIP to honor the occasion.

The Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture (ALGOA) was initiated by IFOAM Organics Asia in 2013 with the aim of fostering dialogue and cooperation among Asian local governments for the development of organic agriculture and its related industries.

ALGOA is a daughter organization of IFOAM Organics Asia and its Secretariat is based in IFOAM Organics Asia.

At the historic occasion, Goesan County, South Korea was nominated for the first presidency of ALGOA for the Years 2015 to present, 2021.